

Copywriting Terms & Conditions…


General copywriting terms


In general, I charge according to the requirements of the project.


In every case, I always provide a written quotation free of charge. For efficiency, this is usually forwarded by email within 24 hours of receiving your brief.


In some cases and particularly with new clients, I will require a 50% deposit in advance, with the balance payable on completion and delivery of the final drafts.


Full Payment or balance is due within 7 days of receipt of invoice, which will be forwarded by email within 24 hours of completion and delivery of work. In the case of ongoing or delayed projects, work is subject to invoicing in stages.


If a project quote or estimate has been provided, it will be based on your specifications and therefore, if those specifications or conditions change, the quote or estimate may also be subject to change. See ‘Changes in Project’ and ‘Cancellation’, below.


Please read all the terms below and contact me should you have any questions.


Payment Method


Payments can be made by Credit or Debit card, Bank Transfer or PayPal. I no longer accept cheques or Postal Orders.


The following terms may not apply to ad agencies, marketing companies and other writers for who I may undertake work on a ‘sub-contract’ or ‘out-sourced’ basis.


Changes in Project


If you significantly alter the nature of the project, instructions or input after work has begun, and if such a change requires additional time to be afforded to the project, proportionate compensation for that time is subject to being billed at the rate of £50 per hour, or part thereof.




If I have started work on the project and you decide to cancel the project for any reason, a charge will be made based on actual time spent. (Based on the rate of £50 per hour, or part thereof).




Before work begins, you should supply all information required for writing the copy. If further information or clarification is needed, you will provide this information (if available) upon request. If you are unable to provide the required input, I may need to undertake research, in which case I will inform you in advance and make any appropriate arrangements as necessary. Unless anticipated, such fact-finding may represent a change in the project.




Work will commence and be completed, upon acceptance of an ‘agreement’ to my terms, quotation or estimate. All assignments are subject to my acceptance and availability.




Submitted work should be reviewed as soon as possible and in all cases within 48 hours. Requests for reasonable revision of work is acceptable and will be undertaken without further charge. (I’m only happy if you’re happy). However, further requests for revision, modification, alteration or any other change may be charged for, at the normal hourly rate.


Copyright Ownership


I reserve the right to ownership of all copyright until the work has been accepted and paid for in full. This does not include work that has been submitted to me for rewriting, e.g. Rewrites for the US to the UK markets.


Your Liability


Information provided by you, for the purpose of producing work on your behalf, must not knowingly breach any law or regulations or infringe upon or violate the copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights. Information should not be of a confidential nature relating to any third party or violate any right of privacy. You agree to indemnify me and any of my employees and agents from any and all liability, damages, losses, claims, actions, judgments, and costs arising as a result of infringement upon a third party’s rights.


My Liability


My liability shall be limited solely to the fees paid for creative work produced on your behalf and at your request. I cannot be held liable for any consequential or special damages such as loss of profit due to the use of my work. As testing is an integral procedure of marketing communications and strategies, anticipated results cannot be guaranteed.


Promotional Use


I reserve the right to present to others, for promotional purposes only, any work I have produced, in its finished format or layout including text and or graphics in either hard copy or any other form (unless specifically prohibited by a formal non-disclosure agreement). I will not, without your permission, present work that has not yet been published, distributed or become common knowledge, unless a reasonable time period has elapsed.


All information provided to me for the purpose of any project will be treated as confidential and will never be passed on or shared with any third party. I respect your privacy.


To download a Purchase Order Agreement and a copy of these terms and conditions in (pdf) format, Click Here





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