
What My Clients Say…

“We contracted Knight Writer services to re write some of our web pages which we felt were too techy and used industry specific language which we felt might be off putting to customers. The work was completed thoroughly and efficiently. We were extremely impressed in the end result which managed to retain our specialist integrity whilst providing a more friendly customer focused tone. I have no reservations about recommending your services and look forward to working with you again in the near future.”
Boyd Breen – AV Installs Ltd

“Hi Bill, Just a quick email to say thank you. I’m really pleased with your work on the boxing sales letter. The couple of amendments I have to make ref amazon I can slip in their myself. So its job complete and will definitely be back to you when ever further work is needed.”
Peter Round

“Great job Bill and I appreciate the fact that you did not waste time in completing the project I would use you again.”
Dr John Davenport

“Bill was brilliant! Highly recommend his copywriting services, he was patient and understanding and nailed the brief. A+ from us!
Neil Asher

“Good Morning Bill. The sales letter is great! The way you worded the guarantee is great. Felt really strong! I’m going to run with this one.”

Dave Hands

“Bill, The draft and order form are excellent. Just what I need. Kind regards, Bill”

Bill Barclay

“Hello Bill, I have read through the sales letter and I think I like every bit of it. The flow is just perfect and I think its an excellent piece.”
Douglas A- Doe

“Hi Bill, Thanks for your letter. I liked it a lot more than previous writers work. Ian”

Ian Ritchie

“Hello Bill, Thank you very much, this salesletter you have created for me is excellent, reading through the letter a couple of times I almost felt like purchasing the product myself, I know I could not have produced a letter of this standard. Ian”

Ian Marshall

“Hi Bill, Excellent, reads very well. I made just a few slight changes but I am very impressed you obviously know what you are doing”
Johnathan Hewitt

“Hey Bill, sorry for the delay. Personally I think most of the text is wonderfully written, you’re a really talented copywriter! Domen”

Domen Lomberger

“Hi Bill, What a read!!!! I’m impressed with the copy and the content. This is just what I was looking for. Craig”

Craig Haslam

“Bill, The letter looks fantastic. Thanks, Graham”

Graham Jones

“Dear Mr. Knight, You have done an excellent job. Well done!”


“Hi Bill, You have done an excellent job on the sales letter. It looks brilliant when you view it on the computer screen. And you have managed to get all the salient points across. Alex”

Alex Mitchell

 “Hi Bill, Just wanted to let you know, we thought the copy came out great. So we just wanted to let you know we are in the process of paying you and if you want to use the copy you wrote for us as a writing example for other customers, be our guest. Take care, Carmin”

Dr. Carmin Iadonisi

“Looks great Bill. I think that your writing style is bang on the money for this product. John”

John Marks

“Hi Bill. Ive only read once but first impressions excellent you pinpoint everything very well and its a convincing letter which is obviously what we need. Martin”

Martin Barnes

“Hi Bill, Many thanks, we are delighted with your great piece of work.”

Nick Dickson

“Hi Bill, The letter is very good – just the sort of thing that I wanted. I have showed it to a number of people with very favourable reactions and comments.  Best regards, Simon”

Simon Beck

These are just a few unsolicited comments on my work. I have many, many more on record.

You can also check out my latest feedback on People Per Hour (PPH) by clicking on this link: https://www.peopleperhour.com/freelancer/bill/copywriter-freelance-direct-respo/502140

And take a look at my feedback on Upwork here: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~019021d76aec16fd35




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